Welcome to

TCJS Capital group

Empowering Success through Diverse Ventures and Unparalleled Support

At TCJS Capital Group, we're not merely an enterprise—we're a collaborative force committed to nurturing growth, fostering innovation, and empowering both individuals and businesses to realize their ambitions. With a diverse portfolio encompassing various ventures and an unwavering dedication to excellence, we curate an array of services tailored to elevate your success to unprecedented heights.


At TCJS Capital Group, we transcend the conventional role of a holding company; we're a proactive force behind a multitude of brands shaped by the diverse experiences and values of our founders, Tom Conway and Jennifer Shatzer. Our varied backgrounds empower us to embrace the rich diversity of our world, cultivating a culture ingrained with inclusivity and understanding in every facet of our operations. Together, our collective experiences and values guide us in nurturing an environment where diversity thrives, fostering an inclusive culture that permeates all aspects of our endeavors.

Our Brands

A Shared Vision

Tom Conway and Jennifer Shatzer, the visionary founders behind TCJS Capital Group, share an unwavering vision rooted in their diverse experiences and united values. Together, they envisage TCJS Capital Group as a dynamic hub that transcends conventional norms—a space dedicated to championing diversity, fostering innovation, and driving positive change. Their joint commitment lies in creating an inclusive and progressive environment where diverse perspectives are embraced, valued, and celebrated. With a shared passion for empowering brands, individuals, and communities, Tom and Jennifer aspire to cultivate a culture within TCJS Capital Group that fosters growth, embraces creativity, and makes a lasting impact on the world.

who we are

Tom Conway

Tom's journey, spanning three decades in the U.S. Navy, has shaped his life in profound ways. Accumulating a wealth of experiences and invaluable lessons, he is focused on problem-solving within a team. He thrives on the belief that any obstacle can be overcome, excels in recognizing and promoting co-workers, and possesses a strong commitment to fostering creativity. Tom's dedication and passion are instrumental in our successes.

Jennifer Shatzer

Jennifer is a seasoned entrepreneur with a track record that extends back to 2004. Throughout her journey, she has developed a keen business acumen and a passion for helping others succeed. Her story is one of resilience and determination, continually rising above challenges and setbacks. Her dedication to entrepreneurship and her passion for nurturing individual growth define her contributions to TCJS Capital Group.

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